Wind farm

Working Towards our Sustainable Future

Wind farm

Our Council’s vision is to become one of Australia’s most sustainable cities by 2030. A target has been set to achieve net zero carbon emissions from our operation’s energy use by 2025, with a broader municipal target of net zero carbon emissions by 2040. 

Achieving our sustainability targets require joint actions by both Council and the community. Some of the ways that Council is playing its role can be seen through the following initiatives. 

Renewable power purchasing agreement 

We are one step closer to green and clean energy due to our participation in the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO). Council collaborated with other local governments to use our combined purchasing power to source 100% of our electricity needs from Victorian wind farms. These clean renewable electricity sources are good for the environment and lower our energy bills. This renewable wind energy will from 1 January 2022 be powering Council’s buildings, libraries, sporting facilities and streetlights. Visit VECO (The Victorian Energy Collaboration) website for more information. 

Sustainable new buildings 

Council’s Sustainable Buildings Policy ensures we deliver sustainable buildings that are comfortable to work in, have lower operating costs and help reduce carbon emissions, both during construction and operation. The Springvale Community Hub was recently accredited a 6 Star GreenStar Building rating, representing ‘world leadership’ in environmentally sustainable building practices. 

Solar energy powering our buildings 

Council has solar panels installed across our buildings, with solar power capacity of more than 600kw. Solar panels have been installed at the Dandenong Civic Centre, Springvale Town Hall, Springvale Community Hub, Council’s Dandenong Operations Centre, and the Dandenong Market

Greening Greater Dandenong 

Increasing the tree canopy cover of Greater Dandenong, while helping to reduce the impacts of higher urban temperatures, is one of the best and cheapest ways to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Council is working to enhance the local urban forest to create a cooler, greener city that benefits our community’s health and wellbeing.