The Council Plan 2021-25 (incorporating the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan) Revised 2024 was adopted at the Council Meeting on Monday 24 June 2024. It has been developed after an extensive consultation process with our community and key stakeholders. This plan reflects the community vision developed by the Greater Dandenong People's Panel and aims to address the key areas of importance for the people who live and work in our city and those who regularly visit.
Council's plan has a focus for the next four years on achieving the following objectives:
- A socially connected, safe and healthy city
- A city that respects and celebrates diversity, our history and the arts
- A city of accessible, vibrant centres and neighbourhoods
- A green city committed to a sustainable future
- A city that supports entrepreneurship, quality education and employment outcomes
- A Council that demonstrates leadership and a commitment to investing in the community