Dandenong Civic Centre

Councillor Accountabilities

Councillor Code of Conduct

The Councillor Code of Conduct aims to assist and guide Councillors with their responsibilities as elected representatives of the community. From 26 October 2024, the Local Government Act 2020 requires all councillors to observe the Model Councillor Code of Conduct. The Model Code of Conduct is prescribed in Schedule 1 to the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.

This code ensures Councillor conduct is legal, ethical and appropriate at all times when conducting or performing civic duties and responsibilities. It includes the following sections:

  • key roles and responsibilities
  • use of council resources
  • values and behaviours
  • councillor conduct and misconduct
  • adherence to all other relevant Council policies including, but not limited to, workplace behaviours, OHS, information privacy and the Election Period
  • conflict of interest procedures
  • dispute resolution procedures.

Council Expenses, Support and Accountability Policy

Under section 41 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council is required to adopt and maintain an expenses policy in relation to the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for Councillors and Members of Delegated Committees. Council subsequently adopted its Council Expenses, Support and Accountability Policy on 24 August 2020.

This policy outlines the provisions of the Local Government Act 2020 in respect to Councillor allowances, expenses and support. It also confirms the facilities and support that may be provided to Councillors and Members of Delegated Committees to assist them in performing or discharging their official functions and duties.

The policy is guided by the following principles:

  • Councillors and Members of Delegated Committees should be supported in performing and discharging council functions and duties without disadvantage;
  • Any reimbursements claimed by Councillors and Members of Delegated Committees must be for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in performing and discharging their official Council functions and duties; and
  • The payment of Councillor allowances and the reimbursement of expenses must be accountable and transparent to the community.

This policy also includes components of Council’s Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability (ATA) Charter which was established in 2009 and subsequently abolished on 28 October 2013.  The practices set out in the ATA Charter are now fully covered under the provisions of the Local Government Act 2020, Council’s Governance Rules and this policy, or have been fully adopted as standard Council practice.

Under this policy, Greater Dandenong will maintain this web page, which highlights the attendance of Mayor and Councillors at council meetings and briefing meetings, and also provide a table of Mayor and Councillors' expenses. Mayor and Councillors' attendances at council meetings and briefing meetings is updated fortnightly. The Mayor and Councillors' expenses spreadsheet is updated regularly as information becomes available. Expenses include mobile phone charges, conferences attendance fees, training, airfares, taxi fares, accommodation and meals, childcare, vehicle/mileage, stationery, equipment and any other expenses claimed.

Read the Council Expenses, Support and Accountability Policy

Mayor and Councillor attendance at Councillor briefing sessions and council meetings

Mayor and Councillor Attendance from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 - 229KB

Mayoral and Councillor Expenses

Mayor and Councillors Expenses 2023-24 - 728.1KB

Councillor Contact with Developers, Submitters and Lobbyists

Council is committed to open public accountability and transparency and Councillors are expected to uphold high standards of professionalism and integrity. As such, Council endorsed its Councillor Contact with Developers, Submitters and Lobbyists Policy on 28 March 2022. The policy provides ethical guidance to Councillors when dealing with developers, submitters or lobbyists who have made, or are proposing to make, a land use planning application or submission. 

Read Councillor Contact with Developers, Submitters and Lobbyists Policy
