Under the Emergency Management Act 2013 a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) is required to be developed for each municipal district. The MEMP details the local level arrangements for the mitigation of, response to, and recovery from emergencies that may impact the Greater Dandenong community. It also maps out how, as a community, we can best cope with the shocks and stresses experienced as a result of natural disasters and other emergencies.
The Greater Dandenong MEMP is developed and maintained by the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC). The Emergency Management Act 2013 requires participation on the MEMPC from:
- Municipal Councils
- Victoria Police (VICPOL)
- Country Fire Authority (CFA)
- Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV)
- Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)
- Department of Health (DH)
- Ambulance Victoria (AV)
- Australian Red Cross (ARC)
The MEMP is reviewed on an ongoing basis and is approved by the Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee every three years.
The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) uses CERA - Community Emergency Risk Assessment. To assess risks within Greater Dandenong Community. The CERA process is facilitated by VICSES and is an all-hazards risk assessment which aims to identify, mitigate and reduce risk within the community, it follows the Australian Standard for Risk Management, ISO 31000.
The Greater Dandenong MEMPC welcomes feedback regarding Emergency Management within Greater Dandenong.
To get in contact please email the MEMPC on emergency.management@cgd.vic.gov.au.
The Greater Dandenong MEMPC has also completed several Sub-Plans to the MEMP, including:
- Greater Dandenong Municipal Fire Management Plan
- Greater Dandenong Extreme Heat Sub-Plan
Plans can be accessed via the links below: