It is important to stay calm and safe during an emergency.
- If you are in a life-threatening or time critical situation, telephone Triple Zero '000' to contact the Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance.
- In a flood or storm where life is not in immediate danger telephone the Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500.
- Follow your home emergency plan, the following guides can assist you to plan and get you prepared for any emergency:
- Have your emergency kit ready to go:
- Be alert of what is happening in your surrounding area, especially during severe weather - emergencies can happen before a warning is issued.
- Stay informed. Keep listening for more information in case the situation changes.
- Keep in contact with family members. Make sure they know what is happening and what you plan to do.
- Do not wait for emergency services to knock on your door – seek out information from reliable sources and follow the advice of warnings immediately.
- If safe to do so - check that family and neighbours are safe, especially the elderly and those with disability or who may not understand English well.
- If you need to evacuate, stay with family or friends that are outside of the emergency affected area.
- If you own pets, don’t forget to include them in your emergency planning and preparation. By law, animal owners have the responsibility for the health and wellbeing of their pets. Remember that you may not be able to take pets to emergency relief centres or shelters. For more information on protecting your pets in emergencies visit the pets and emergencies page on the Animal Welfare Victoria website.
Warnings aim to provide you with the best advice and information on what is happening to help you make good decisions to protect yourself and others.
When information about emergency weather is given or a Total Fire Ban is declared Greater Dandenong is in the Central District or Central Region.

An incident is occurring or has occurred in the area. Access information and minor conditions.

Watch and act
An emergency is developing nearby. You need to take action now to protect yourself and others.

Emergency warning
You are in imminent danger and need to take action immediately. You will be impacted.

Prepare to evacuate/ Evacuate now
An evacuation is recommended or procedures are in place to evacuate.
In an emergency it is important to know where to get up to date and accurate emergency information:
- Vic Emergency Hotline 1800 226 226
- For help with English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (free call) and ask them to telephone VicEmergency Hotline
- Radio: 774 ABC radio (AM)
- Victoria Police Association Line 131 444 (for when you need police assistance but not for an urgent or life-threatening emergency)
- Victoria State Emergency Service - 132 500
- Prepare and Get Ready Website - VicEmergency
- Mobile App: download the Incidents and Warnings - VicEmergency
- VicEmergency Social Media: X ( and VicEmergency | Facebook accounts
- Country Fire Authority (CFA)
- Fire Rescue Victoria Fire Rescue Victoria| Fire Rescue Victoria (
- Australian Red Cross Australian Red Cross
- Emergency Prepare Website Emergency Prepare