A group of children and mothers enjoying playgroup

Enjoy The Early Years At Playgroup

A group of children and mothers enjoying playgroup

National Playgroup Week (21-27 March) provides us with an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate the many benefits of playgroup throughout Greater Dandenong.

Playgroups are a great way for children aged 0-5 years and their families to meet, play and learn.

There are over 57 community playgroups in the City of Greater Dandenong that cater for a range of activities, languages and abilities. 

Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said that local playgroups create special bonds within the community and help families to support each other. 
“Playgroups are fantastic, not only for young children, but also for caregivers who can form new support systems locally. 

“Spending time with your children and watching them grow and learn is a wonderful experience. Our local playgroups provide valuable opportunities for connection and belonging,” said the Mayor. 
The City of Greater Dandenong also has ‘small talk’, supported playgroups for families run by qualified facilitators where parents can develop their skills to enhance their connection with their child.

For more information about local playgroups visit greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/early-childhood/playgroups or call Council’s Playgroup Development Officer on 8571 1826.

Greater Dandenong City Council is a child friendly city and is committed to supporting children and their families by providing opportunities for them to engage within the community. Council’s vision is for all children and their families to be valued, celebrated, respected and supported to reach their full potential.

Local playgroup photos are available upon request.