Initial and Biannual Personal Interests Returns - September 2024 - February 2025
Under section 134 of the Local Government Act 2020 a specified person must lodge a biannual personal interests return with the Chief Executive Officer containing matters prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.
Biannual personal interests returns must be lodged by specified persons twice yearly by the end of each prescribed period.
The prescribed periods are from 1-31 March and 1-30 September each year. A specified person includes the Chief Executive Officer, a member of a delegated committee or a nominated officer (a member of Council staff who is nominated by the Chief Executive Officer because of their role or who has a statutory or delegated power, duty or function).
Under section 135 of the Local Government Act 2020, the Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged. This summary must be made available on Council’s Internet site and must be available for inspection at Council’s office.
If you would like to view the Personal Interests Returns for Councillors visit the Councillor web page.