Dandenong Civic Centre

Fried Food Statement

Dandenong Civic Centre

Council recognises the vitally important contribution that local sporting clubs make to the Greater Dandenong community, and that canteens provide those clubs with an important source of revenue.

Council has not and will not ban deep fried foods, or any type of food, at sports clubs.  

In-built deep fryers that are currently in kitchens can all be used by sports clubs. Should a kitchen not include a built -in deep fryer, it is recommended that the club purchase an air fryer, which can be safely stored and used on a benchtop.  

Benchtop deep fryers do not have the necessary exhaust fans, grease traps and safety mechanisms required for oil fryers, and pose both a personal safety risk to users and environmental risk. There has been a restriction on the use of these since 2019. 

Council Officers continue to be available to support the few remaining clubs to transition away from benchtop deep fryers to suitable, safer alternatives.

Kitchens with built-in deep fryers can still be used by clubs, and any new kitchen upgrades will be done in consultation with groups who use the venues.

Council is committed to strengthening health and wellbeing outcomes for the community, including supporting health initiatives and education in nutrition and healthy eating.  Staff are available to assist clubs to review and improve their canteen menus to provide healthier options in partnership with Monash Health and the Vic Kids Eat Well program. 

Clubs are encouraged to contact Council’s Sport and Recreation Team on 8571 1000 for further assistance.

Mayor, Cr Eden Foster