stylised illustration of people in a park

Community Grants and Funding

What are Community Grants?

The Community Grants Program provides opportunities for Council to work in partnership with the community for the benefit of Greater Dandenong. Council provides financial assistance to community groups and individuals to undertake projects and activities in the city to help foster this partnership. Further information on Council's Community Grants Program policy can be found here.

Council's Community Grants Program

Council offers an array small, medium and large grants to support community projects and opportunities.

Grant details

  • Small grants offer up to $2,000 for individuals and non-profit community organisations to apply for small responsive grants to help them to achieve their goals and ambitions. Open Now.
  • Medium grants offer up to $10,000 for not-for-profit community groups, organisations and individual artists the opportunity to apply for one-off grants to support delivery of projects, programs and events that benefit the Greater Dandenong community. 
  • Large grants offer up to $80,000 (depending on stream) for organisations that service the wider community, focus on strategic projects to address specific Council outcomes or run large scale events that build the profile of Greater Dandenong. 

Please select the icons below to learn more and apply.

Expression of Interest - Community Grants Panel

Make an impact in our community by becoming a volunteer Community Grants Assessment Panel Member.
Council’s Community Grants Program provides opportunities for not-for-profit community organisations to apply for project funding that benefits our community.

Panelist’s will be required to:

  • Review and assess grant applications.
  • Collaborate with other panelists.
  • Ensure funding supports initiatives that create lasting, positive change.

Who can apply?

We welcome panelists from all backgrounds and experiences who live, work or have an active role in the Greater Dandenong.

How to apply?

Complete online Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest close Monday 3 February 2025.

Attention: If you have already started an application please login here 

Contact Us

If you or your organisation would like advice and assistance regarding any of our community funding programs, please contact our team on 8571 1432 or email Language support is available. 


To stay up to date with the latest news from the Community Grants Program sign up for our monthly enewsletter below.

This enewsletter will keep you up to date on Council's community grants programs, as well as community projects and other funding opportunities and more.

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Stay up to receive updates on Council's grants programs, as well an find out about other Council and community projects and funding opportunities.

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Useful Documents and Resources

The following information can help groups to plan for requirements related to their grants application, search their own incorporation or business registrations and support governance processes with groups.

Community Response Grants Program

Membership – Incorporated Associations

This webpage on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website outlines register of members and use of this information. The Community Response Grants Program requests membership lists to verify number of participants in grants applications. The information will not be used for any other purpose.

Community Support Grants Program

The below links provide acceptable guides and examples that can be used to support your grants application.


Registration Search

Project Planning Tools

These project planning tools are not required for applications but can strengthen your submission, particularly if you are requesting large amounts of funding or have high risk activities involved in your project. If you would also like to start using development tools to improve the capacity of your organisation it is worth having a look at these following links:

  • Risk Assessment  Safe Work Australia This webpage highlights the basics of risk assessments, it also highlights hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control with some examples and activities.
  • Gantt Charts - A tool used to create a visual timeline of project tasks.
  • How to write a logframe: A beginner's guide - This article gives an overview of basic logframes and how this tool assists to identify key aspects of a project.
  • Theory of Change - This highlights what a program or project (change initiative) does and how this achieves goals and desired outcomes.


Help Centre Resources


Crowd Source Funding Platforms

Below are some online websites that support organisations to promote projects and funding raising initiatives.

Links to Non-Council Grants Funding

In addition to the City of Greater Dandenong's Councillor Donation Fund and Community Support Grants Program, a number of organisations and government departments offer grant funding. The list below outlines some grant providers to help you get started.

Arts Victoria
Arts Victoria delivers a range of programs designed to assist the development and presentation of cultural projects, programs and services that will benefit the Victorian arts industry and broader community.

Australia Council for the Arts 
The Australia Council for the Arts offers funding for a range of arts-related projects including music, performance, festivals, and community cultural development.

Grants @ DPCD
Provides a list of grants and funding available from all Victorian State Government departments and agencies.

Grants Link…
Provides an extensive listing of Commonwealth Government grants and funding programs.

Office of Multiculturalism and Citizenship / Victorian Multicultural Commission (OMAC/VMC)
OMAC / VMC runs a Community Grants Program to provide support to Victoria's culturally and linguistically diverse communities, especially new and emerging communities, to develop and sustain local community organisations and programs.

Our Community
Our Community is a world-leading social enterprise that provides advice and tools for Australia's 600,000 not-for-profit community groups and state, private and independent schools, as well as practical linkages between the community sector and the general public, business and government. Their website contains an extensive database of grants opportunities, although full information on grants programs is only available to subscribers of their Easygrants newsletter.

Philanthropy Australia
Philanthropy Australia offers a range of services to support those seeking grants from philanthropic sources.

Funds a variety of projects, including those based on community building, the environment, health, sports and arts.

Vicsport has produced an online guide to assist sports clubs and associations by raising their awareness of the many funding and grants programs available throughout the Victorian Community.

Past Grants Recipients

Funding details for our Community Grants Programs are published in Council's Annual Reports. 

Visit the Council Documents page