Looking for work is a job in itself and sometimes there are other things to sort out first.
What support is available in our region and where should you start?
Greater Dandenong Council is running a Career and Support Expo on Wednesday 5 March to focus on bringing together community and service organisations into the one place. The expo will have a different emphasis, with lots of information for anyone preparing to work.
Come and be connected to one of the many organisations in attendance - find the right support in your language, or information on living and working in Australia. Speak to an expert on financial information or chat with someone about health and wellbeing, housing, job readiness, job training, pathways and education.
If you would like more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by email: gamechange@cgd.vic.gov.au.
Let us know if you require additional assistance to participate in this event.
If you require additional assistance to participate, please get in contact with us.
Wednesday 5 March, 10.30am - 1pm