The City of Greater Dandenong first introduced dog off-leash areas in 2001. Since this time, they have proven extremely popular as they provide a great way for dogs (and their owners) to get regular exercise and socialisation.
The expansion of the dog off-leash network and improvements to existing off-leash areas across Greater Dandenong over a period of time will allow responsible dog owners more opportunity to safely and legally exercise their dogs and allow the community time to adjust to further off-leash facilities being present.
The key outcomes of the Strategy are to:
- Improve and expand the dog off-leash network across Greater Dandenong.
- Increase accessibility to off-leash areas for all residents.
- Have a method (criteria) to determine the suitability of a park for dog off-leash activities.
- Categorise dog off-leash areas based on their suitability for small, medium and large sized dogs and promote this widely.
- Promote and educate the community on Council’s off-leash rules.
- Revise mapping and off-leash information on Council’s website and communicate updates to registered owners.
- Have an implementation plan that provides guidance and indicative costs to guide the capital infrastructure works for the establishment and ongoing operation of dog off-leash areas (the future implementation and staging of which is dependent on the inclusion of the Action Plan in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan).