The City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study was originally prepared in 1998 by historian, Olwen Ford (of Graeme Butler and Associates). This web edition came from an update in 1999-2000 of the 1998 history. The update is by historian, Michele Summerton, as revised by Julie Stevens (both of Nadia Gasparetto, Architect).
Heritage Study sections
The City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study Volume 1 provides a written evaluation of the built form history of the municipality.
Volume 2 and Volume 3 list a specific building citation for all the buildings and places examined in the Greater Dandenong Heritage Study, including those listed in the Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay of the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme.
The Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme is available online via the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
Downloads the documents at the links below.
City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study Stage 1 1998 (Volume 1 and 2) - 14MB
City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study Stage 1 1998 (Volume 3) - 5.5MB