Access to secure, appropriate, affordable and well-designed housing is vital to people's health and wellbeing. A strong housing market that meets community needs can be an important source of wealth creation and contribute to the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the municipality.
The Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy 2014-24 provides a policy framework and direction to plan for the sustainable supply of housing. This will ensure the current and future housing needs of Greater Dandenong residents are met.
An extensive research and consultation program guided the development of the strategy, involving local developers, housing associations, government agencies, local residents and local community services.
About the Housing Strategy
Council’s housing vision for the future
The City of Greater Dandenong will foster a strong housing market that meets the community’s diverse and changing needs, contributes to the revitalisation of the municipality, directs housing growth to appropriate locations and delivers housing that enables all Greater Dandenong residents to access a range of affordable, sustainable and well-designed housing products and services.
Strategy objectives
The Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy 2014-24 contains nine objectives, which are organised under four key housing themes:
- Understand the current and future housing needs and preferences of Greater Dandenong residents.
- Plan for adequate supply of appropriate land for residential development to address population growth.
- Ensure that future housing growth is effectively managed to maintain and enhance Greater Dandenong’s liveability.
- Facilitate housing diversity in appropriate locations to support the needs of our diverse community.
- Support housing design that meets the needs of local residents.
- Improve the quality, design and environmental performance of housing.
- Attract investment in residential development
- Achieve a wide choice of well-designed, high quality affordable housing in appropriate locations to meet current and future needs.
- Continue to support vulnerable households experiencing housing stress.
The strategy contains a range of initiatives to achieve the housing vision and above objectives, from changing the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme to other non-statutory actions involving all of Council.
Further information
For more information, please contact Council's Planning department on 8571 1000 or email council@cgd.vic.gov.au
Housing Development Data Analysis
To inform the Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy and the application of the new Residential Zones in Greater Dandenong, the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (DTPLI) prepared the Housing Development Data Analysis for the City of Greater Dandenong - 2.2MB in September 2013. This study reports on key local housing development trends.