
Green Wedge Management Plan

Green Wedge Management Plan Cover

Green Wedge Management Plan

The Green Wedge Management Plan (GWMP) is Council's strategy for the future of its portion of the South East Green Wedge. The plan provides a clear vision, objectives and actions for the future of the Green Wedge for the next 15-20 years.

The GWMP forms a Reference Document to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme following approval and gazettal of Amendment C143 on 10 August 2017 by the Minister for Planning.

The approved Amendment C143 documents can be viewed on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) website - select the Browse Amendments link.

Contact Council's Strategic Planning department on 8571 1000 or email

City of Greater Dandenong submission to DELWP Green Wedge project

In January 2021, Council officers made a submission in response to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning's (DELWPs) 'Planning for Melbourne's Green Wedges and Agricultural Land' project consultation paper. While being generally supportive of the options proposed, officers have, among other matters, highlighted the need to further strengthen the legislative protections of the green wedge, requested consideration of how to capture land value uplift to encourage land to be used for green wedge purposes, have identified certain uses that should be prohibited in the green wedge, and stated that soil and earth storage should form part of this project.

DELWP will now consider all submissions made and advise the community of the outcomes in due course. 

City of Greater Dandenong Submission to the Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedges and Agricultural Land project, February 2021 - 253KB

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