Greening our neighbourhoods

Greening Our Neighbourhoods Strategy 2021-28

Greening our neighbourhoods

The Greening Our Neighbourhoods Strategy 2021-28 forms one part of the Greater Dandenong Urban Forest Strategy 2021-28 and should be read in conjunction with this document and the Greening Our City - Urban Tree Strategy 2018-28.

The strategy considers privately-owned land, and the role the City of Greater Dandenong community plays in protecting and enhancing canopy cover to deliver the immense social, economic and environmental benefits greening our neighbourhoods can bring. 

Greening Our Neighbourhoods strives for a proactive and collaborative response by the Greater Dandenong City Council and community in managing vegetation and canopy cover on privately-owned land. The strategy aims demonstrate the value of trees in shading our urban environment to reduce the urban heat island, adapt to climate change, improve the amenity of our streets and the health of our community. 

Greening Our Neighbourhoods has a shared vision with the Urban Forest Strategy and Greening Our City - Urban Tree Strategy.

The key objective of this strategy is to cool, through greening our neighbourhood.

The strategy advocates for a more resilient and greener urban environment through greater quality landscaping and more canopy trees on privately-owned land that contribute to increasing Greater Dandenong's canopy cover to 15 per cent by 2028.

Canopy cover update

For an update on the canopy cover measurement, visit Urban Forest Strategy 2021-28.