The Biodiversity Action Plan seeks to achieve the vision ‘The City of Greater Dandenong’s ecosystems are resilient, healthy, connected and contributing to
the wellbeing of current and future generations’.
The key objectives of the plan are to:
- Care for nature
- Share and build knowledge of nature
- Foster care for nature on private land
- Manage threats to nature
- Connect with nature.
A series of actions have been described in the Biodiversity Action Plan for the next three years, including further groundwork to fill in gaps in our knowledge about local biodiversity. Once those knowledge gaps are filled it will enable council to set out a longer-term Biodiversity Action Plan in the next iteration in three years’ time. An annual update on the implementation of the plan will be provided, and Council’s external Sustainability Advisory Group will facilitate community oversight of the plan's implementation and community involvement.
The Action Plan includes actions that various departments in council are responsible for completing, as well as actions for local schools,community groups and individuals. This is also a call to action for every resident to play their role locally. Small steps taken by many add up to big impacts. Preservation and enhancement of our shared biodiversity needs to be a collaborative effort to achieve the best outcomes for all of Greater Dandenong’s communities, both human and non-human.