To understand the present, many people look to the past for clues to why things look, feel and function a certain way.
The City of Greater Dandenong has developed an ‘Historic Narrative’ for its three Activity Centres to create an accessible document that traces the evolution of Dandenong, Springvale and Noble Park, from their indigenous beginnings to the present day.
Using information, books and references from a variety of sources the Historic Narratives reveal key insights into each place including its value to the indigenous community, natural landscape qualities, early settlement characteristics, establishment of community infrastructure, retail, commerce, development and expansion.
The text captures key milestones, and describes the local dynamics that have either been the catalyst for change in the centres, or that provide clues as to each centres unique characteristics. Carefully selected photos from as early as 1870, through to more contemporary images, bring the journey of each centre to life.
Designed for easy reading at under 3,000 words each, the Historic Narratives will assist people to better understand their place and become a valuable reference to inform future decision making.