Students talking

Secondary School Immunisation Program

Students talking

All Year 7 and 10 students are recommended to receive free vaccinations through the National Immunisation Program.

Greater Dandenong Councils’ immunisation team visits all Secondary Schools in the municipality to deliver the free Secondary School Immunisation Program.  

Your child's school will provide information about the vaccine/s and how to give consent for your child to receive the vaccination at school.

Secondary School National Secondary School Immunisation Program

Year 7 Students (12-13 years)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

Now a single dose for most children.
Children with a weakened immune
system may still require a second or third dose.

Year 7 Students (12-13 years)

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) – Dtpa vaccine

One Booster dose.


Year 10 students (15 -16 years)

Meningococcal ACWY vaccine

Single dose.

For more information visit the Secondary School Immunisation Program - Better Health Channel website.

If your child misses their vaccination at school, you can book an appointment to attend a Council Community Immunisation session. Select link below. Alternatively, you can receive this from your local doctor.

Make a Booking

Book a Community Immunisation Session

Cancel or Change a Booking

Cancel/Change a Booking
