Former Department of Social Security Marker

Department of Social Security

The former Department of Social Security sign has been installed as part of the Enterprise Trail.

This marker acknowledges an extraordinary and unique collaboration between various Springvale community service organisations – including the office of the Australian Government’s former Department Social Security (now DHS Centrelink), which opened on the site in 1986.

At the time this office was opened, there were large numbers of migrants arriving in Springvale, many of whom lived at the Enterprise Migrant Hostel. 

Most new residents at the hostel arrived with very little money, and with little knowledge of how to begin their new life in Australia. It was important that the Department of Social Security, and other community organisations, worked quickly and effectively to deliver various government services, including unemployed benefits. 

In response to this need, strong networks and collaborative work practices were developed between various local community organisations and service providers, including the Department of Social Security, Commonwealth Employment Service, Commonwealth Bank, Springvale Community Aide and Advice Bureau, Springvale Indo Chinese Mutual Assistance Association, Springvale Benevolent Society, St Vincent de Paul and health organisations. 

Staff at the Springvale office of the Department of Social Security transformed the way they worked, and a unique outreach service for the Enterprise Migrant Hostel was developed, with staff from multiple community organisations commonly working together on site at the hostel. 

Collectively, they provided an efficient and effective service to meet the settlement needs of the residents, such as providing information about living in Australia and helping new residents apply for social security entitlements. The use of interpreters helped people to access government services much more easily. 

This unique and co-operative way of working was highly successful, and staff from the Department of Social Security and other organisations were soon invited to join in with community activities, indicating they were trusted by, and integrated with, the Enterprise residents (Springvale migrant community) and local community organisations. 

Former employees of the Springvale office who worked at the Enterprise Migrant Hostel, describe the work as extraordinary and highly rewarding. They have wonderful memories of the hostel, as the many languages spoken, and the friendliness shown to them by all. 

Springvale, to this day, is testament to how innovative thinking, positive attitudes and a warm welcome can build strong, cohesive and vibrant communities. 

“The community made sure we were part of their networks. We participated in their meetings and activities. It opened up a whole new world for us and we really enjoyed it.’ – A former Department of Social Security employee.

Learn more about the Spirit of Enterprise project by walking the Spirit of Enterprise Trail and watching the video here.

  • Former Department of Social Security marker
    Former Department of Social Security marker
  • Department of Social Security marker
    Department of Social Security marker
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