Long Term Financial Plan 2024-33

Long Term Financial Plan Cover people and cogs

Under the Local Government Act 2020, Council must develop and review a Financial Plan covering at least the next 10 financial years in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices and adopt the Financial Plan by 31 October in the year following a general election.  The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is subject to annual reviews to ensure the financial projections remain current.

The City of Greater Dandenong's LTFP establishes a financial blueprint for Council’s management of its financial resources, ensuring that Council remains sustainable in the longer term.

The LTFP has been developed after an extensive consultation process with our community and key stakeholders, and aims to financially resource the key areas of importance for the people who live and work in our city and those who regularly visit.

Council adopted the LTFP 2023-24 to 2032-33 at its meeting on 26 June 2023.