The Make Your Move Greater Dandenong Physical Activity Strategy 2020-2030 has been developed and endorsed by council to guide the provision of services, programs and infrastructure over the next 10 years with the goal to increase the physical activity levels of our community.
As part of the strategy’s development, extensive consultation and research was conducted with residents of Greater Dandenong to better understand how active our community currently is, what prevents them from being active and how Greater Dandenong compares to the rest of Victoria.
Several interesting key findings were highlighted during this consultation, such as;
- Over half of Greater Dandenong residents are not meeting the physical activity guidelines of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day.
- The prevalence of diabetes on Greater Dandenong is significantly higher (36 per cent) then the rest of Victoria
The way people participate in physical activity is changing for many reasons;
- Increasingly busy lifestyles
- The cost of participating in organised sport is increasing.
- A desire for greater flexibility about when and how people access opportunities
- There are many more opportunities available to choose from.
The development of the Make Your Move Strategy will provide council with the framework to support our residents to be more active.
Further information and many more key findings can be found in the documents below.