Adornment Mural Mason Street Carpark, central Dandenong

News and Media

Read this year's Community Satisfaction Survey Results.
Since 1996 more than 26 million trees have been planted on Planet Ark’s National Tree Day across Australia.
Council’s immunisation team has been nationally recognised for their innovative approach.
One of our biggest community events is happening in Springvale this month. Springvale Snow Fest is a great opportunity to celebrate winter and what makes our community special.
Greater Dandenong is very fortunate to have its own market in the heart of Dandenong.
In accordance with the Dandenong South Industrial Area Extension and the Keysborough South Development Contributions Plans, the development contributions rates have been indexed as of 5 July 2023.
Greater Dandenong City Council adopted its Council Plan 2021-25 (Revised 2023), Annual Plan 2023-24, Budget 2023-24 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-33 at the 26 June Council meeting.
The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C233gdan to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme.
We are deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing of The Hon. Simon Crean.
Council is making some improvements to parking at Dandenong Market, to make it easier for customers, visitors and workers to park.
The One Tree Per Child program was recently launched at Somerfield Reserve.
As a Refugee Welcome Zone for more than two decades, Greater Dandenong City Council invites the whole community to celebrate Refugee Week (18-24 June).
Reduce the amount of waste you send to landfill and cut back on single-use plastic waste this winter.
Greater Dandenong City Council loves our trees and we are working to increase the tree canopy across our city.
Greater Dandenong City Council (Council) gives notice of its intention to discontinue and sell the road known as Beck Court, Noble Park being R3 Road on LP 23922 (Road).