Adornment Mural Mason Street Carpark, central Dandenong

News and Media

Parkglen Retirement Village in Keysborough is the first aged care facility in Greater Dandenong to embrace Council’s new food and garden waste recycling service. 
One of Council’s important roles is to educate the community about waste and why it is important not to litter.
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome a new year, we would like to celebrate the passion and resilience of the Greater Dandenong community. 
In partnership with Disability Sport and Recreation Victoria and South-East Leisure, Council recently held an all-abilities sports day at Springers Leisure Centre.
There are lots of ways to prevent waste and celebrate sustainably during the Christmas and New Year period.
As the weather starts to warm up, so can our homes which can lead to higher energy bills. We have some cheap and easy tips to save energy this summer. 
The ongoing wet weather is slowing down our progress to best maintain our green open spaces.
A community memorial celebration was held in tribute to Greater Dandenong Living Treasure Merle Mitchell AM on Sunday 13 November at the Springvale Town Hall.
The Southern Region Disability Inclusion Week runs from 14 - 20 November.
Yarraman Ward Councillor Eden Foster has been elected Mayor of Greater Dandenong City Council.
During Greater Dandenong Children’s Festival Council invited young primary school students to enter the inaugural Young Animators Competition.
Based on feedback from the community a vision for a new Dandenong Community Hub was defined last year for the site bounded by Stuart Street, Clow Street and Sleeth Avenue. 
Council and the St Kilda Football Club have established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) based on shared goals to increase the health and wellbeing of our community.
New optical fibre installation to deliver improvements to Council communications and CCTV.
Tarang Chawla’s life changed forever the moment he discovered his sister’s life had ended.