Adornment Mural Mason Street Carpark, central Dandenong

News and Media

Connecting to Country Program - voting now open
As part of the new Local Government Act 2020 all Victorian Councils are required to have a long-term vision developed by their community.
Food waste recycling is well and truly underway in Greater Dandenong.
Read Cr Lana Formoso's Noble Park North Ward article in the Council News August 2021.
Council has commenced planning for a community hub in central Dandenong.
People aged 65 years and over who need assistance to remain living independently will now have access to affordable exercise classes run by a qualified physiotherapist in Greater Dandenong.
Council is seeking community feedback to help shape the design of a new aquatic and wellbeing centre.
Council’s South East Business Networks (SEBN) is the premier networking facility for Greater Dandenong and the South East region.
Members of the community are doing their bit to save the environment by utilising many of Council’s options to correctly dispose waste and give pre-loved items a new life.
Council will improve local community sport infrastructure following a range of grants aimed at boosting community participation in sport, safer and more inclusive community sporting hubs.
Council has purchased new public, open spaces to provide residents and passers by with a special and secluded setting for recreation and relaxation.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available for community groups, organisations and artists to deliver projects, programs and events that benefit the wider community.
In accordance with the Dandenong South Industrial Area Extension and the Keysborough South Development Contributions Plans, the development contributions rates have been indexed as of 1 July 2021.
Council has completed a review of the Greater Dandenong Road Management Plan 2018-22.
Climate change is here, and its impacts are already affecting our environment, society and economy.