The Greater Dandenong Open Space Strategy 2020-30 provides a framework for Council to manage and improve the quality, design and provision of open space over the next 10 years to ensure the needs of existing residents and future generations are met.
The Strategy recognises and responds to a range of key issues including populating growth, cultural diversity, climate change and increasing residential densities.
Council is committed to providing a high-quality, accessible and sustainable open space netwrok for the enjoyment of the Greater Dandenong community through two main methods:
- Increasing the quantity of publicly accessible open space by delivering new spaces, extending existing spaces and entering into access agreements with other land owners such as schools and Melbourne Water and;
- Improving the amenity and quality of existing spaces and links to spaces ensuring they are resilient to the impact of climate change and providing the appropriate level of facilities, particularly within higher density neighbourhoods.
Open space including sporting fields, nature reserves, gardens, playgrounds, trails and civic spaces such as Harmony Square in Dandenong.
The population of Greater Dandenong is projected to grow almost 20 per cent by the year 2029, with the demand for open space anticipated to increase in line with this growth. Council's role is to plan and respond to the impacts of population growth and climate change on our city, and to ensure open space continues to provide a range of benefits for all residents and the environment.
In 2019, Council released an Open Space Analysis and Discussion Paper and sought community input on the importance of open space to inform the review of the 2009 Open Space Strategy and Action Plan. Further feedback was sought on the draft Greater Dandenong Open Space Strategy in 2020, with the final Strategy being adopted by Council on 24 August 2020.
For more information, please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 8571 1000.