heavy vehicles on highway

Heavy and Large Vehicle Parking and Permit Enquires

Heavy and large vehicle parking permits

You need a permit to keep and park any heavy or large vehicle on a residential property.

The City of Greater Dandenong does not generally support people storing or parking large or heavy vehicles in residential areas. This is because these vehicles could damage property, trees, roads and signage while moving through smaller residential streets.

However, in some situations, Council might issue residents with a permit to park a large or heavy vehicle on their property. To get a permit, the owner or driver has to meet and follow certain standards.

Council defines a heavy or large vehicle as one that:

  • is articulated (ie parts of the vehicle are connected by a flexible joint)
  • can seat more than 12 people
  • weighs more than 4.5 tonnes
  • is longer than 7.5 metres.

Permits are valid for 12 months.

Applying for a permit

To apply for a permit to keep and park a heavy or large vehicle on your property:

Apply Here

Fees Apply 

Heavy Vehicles Permit fees

Name Standard fee
Heavy Vehicles Permit $100.50