How parking infringements work
Most of the City of Greater Dandenong's parking infringement notices are issued under the Road Safety Road Rules 2017 which are regulations made under the Road Safety Act 1986. This is a law made by the Victorian State Government.
If you park your vehicle in a way that breaches the parking regulations, Council might issue an infringement notice.
Parking infringement notices provide a chance for a reported parking offence to be dealt with without going to court. If you get an infringement notice, you usually need to pay the fine within 28 days.
Infringement notices online
You can have a look at the details of your infringement notice online. These details will include a photo, if Council took one.
To look at your fine, visit PinForce Online.
If you receive a parking fine, you can
- Pay the penalty by the due date shown on the front of the notice.
- Dispute the notice by asking for a review.
- Have the offence dealt with by a court.
1. Paying your parking infringement
Pay the penalty by the due date shown on the front of the notice. You can pay:

Go to

By phone
Call us on 8571 1000 to pay by credit card

In person
Pay at Council's customer service centres
Payment plans
If you meet the Victorian Government's eligibility criteria, you can get extra time to pay your fine.
You can get extra time if you have:
- an Australian Government (Centrelink) Pensioner Concession Card
- a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Gold Card
- a Centrelink Health Care Card.
If you think Council issued the infringement notice to the wrong person or vehicle:
Driver Nomination Form - 3.10MB
- Return the completed Driver Nomination Form to Council.
You can also elect to take the matter directly to court.
This incurs additional costs. It is up to the court whether you will have to pay those costs or not.
Nominate a driver or go to court - 2MB
- Return the Election To Go To Court Form to Council.
Refer to the back of the infringement notice for more information.
If you do not pay the infringement penalty before the due date you will be sent a Courtesy Letter. An additional amount is added to the penalty to cover Council's costs if a Courtesy Letter is sent.
If payment is still not received, Council refers the infringement to Fines Victoria. Another additional amount is added to the penalty amount to cover Council's costs for the referral.
2. Applying for a review of an infringement notice
The Infringements Act 2006 (Section 22) allows only one request for review per infringement notice (please insert link to PDF document attached to email). You may only request a review for infringements that have a current due date set by Council. If your infringement notice has escalated to Fines Victoria, your review request can only be submitted to Fines Victoria.
Infringements Act 2006 (Section 22) - 405KB
Use the below link to submit your review.
Please ensure you have all information to support your request before you start as the form cannot be saved. Examples of this could be a doctor's certificate, a tow receipt or a letter from a third party. You will also need to provide an explanation about how and why the alleged offence occurred.
The Infringements Act 2006 allows up to 90 days for a response to a review request, however Council aims to provide a reply within 15 working days.
If there is a delay, Council will attempt to let you know. Once you submit a request, the matter will be placed on hold until a determination is made. If your request is not successful you will be provided with a new due date for payment.