two men meeting with laptops

Planning Pre-Application Discussion Service

Use the planning pre-application discussion service to talk with Planning Officers, with the assistance of officers from other Council departments as required. You can use this service to:

  • discuss your proposal
  • identify key areas of concern
  • understand the planning permit application process.

A fee applies for this service.

After the meeting, Council will give you written feedback. This will give you a chance to revise your planning application before you formally lodge it.

While Council cannot guarantee the outcome of an application, your application is more likely to succeed if you:

  • prepare it well
  • address and respond to relevant issues raised at the pre-application stage.

What you must provide when you apply

  • a completed Planning Pre-Application Discussion Service Request Form (not required if your application is submitted via the Online Planning Portal)

Planning Pre-Application Discussion Service Request Form - 223KB

  • all required supporting information for your proposal category (check the Pre-application Proposal Categories and Supporting Information Requirements sections below)
  • the application fee.

If you do not choose to submit your application via the Online Planning Portal and you wish to pay the application fee by credit card, please submit your application to Council and you will be sent an invoice. You can pay it on

Applications will not be formally lodged and cannot be processed until the full application fee has been paid.

Pre-application proposal categories


  • Residential - 5 or less dwellings 
  • Non-Residential - 250sqm to 2,000sqm
  • Buildings and works less than $100,000
  • Reduction in car parking between 1-10 spaces


  • Residential - between 6 and 30 dwellings
  • Non-Residential – 2,000sqm to 10,000sqm
  • Major buildings and works
  • Reduction in car parking of 11 or more spaces and/or loss of existing on-street parking
  • All use applications (eg. office, medical centre, place of assembly, brothel, liquor licence, materials recycling
  • All applications in a Green Wedge Zone (GWZ)
  • Removal of native vegetation
  • Planning Scheme matters

Regional / City Significance

  • Residential - 31 or more dwellings
  • Non-Residential - greater than 10,000sqm
  • Significant loss of native vegetation
  • Significant Planning Scheme matters (eg. major rezoning, development plan)

Supporting information requirements

For all proposals

  • A current copy of the title for the land produced within 30 days of the date of the request. This must include the Register Search Statement, Plan of Subdivision, and complete copies of any covenants or restrictions registered on title
  • A site plan

For all proposed buildings and works applications

  • Detailed drawings, including dimensioned floor plans, elevations and sections as necessary (for Average category proposals, drawings do not need to be fully completed and resolved, but must provide details of what is being proposed)
  • Photographs of the site and surroundings

For all proposed use applications

  • Site plan
  • Details of the current use and the proposed future use, eg. the nature of the business, operating hours, number of employees, the type of vehicles that will come to the site and the number of vehicles per day / per hour

Additional requirements for Complex and Regional / City Significance proposals

  • Transport and Traffic details including parking capacity and demand, vehicle trips, etc.
  • Civil Engineering details
  • Proposed Site and Environmental Management Plan scope (if applicable)

Submit your request

You can submit your request:

Council’s Statutory Planning Department prefers to receive correspondence and documents electronically. This helps improve processing times and reduces paper usage, supporting Council’s vision to be a sustainable city.

What happens next?

Once Council receives your valid request and payment, you will be offered the next available meeting date. You will also find out the name of the Planning Officer who will lead your pre-application meeting.

All pre-application meetings are held online using Microsoft Teams video conferencing during Council business hours.

Important note and disclaimer

Council will hold all information and correspondence you submit that relates to a pre-application proposal in its Records Document Management System. This includes:

  • plans, drawings, photos, emails, etc.
  • meeting notes and written feedback.

Any advice Council provides at the pre-application meeting is preliminary advice only. Council will attempt to provide clear and concise advice based on the:

  • information submitted with the request and any additional information tabled at the pre-application meeting
  • relevant provisions within the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme

This advice may be impacted by:

  • changes to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme
  • the design
  • further information received
  • referral advice
  • site inspection
  • the public notice process
  • any other change of situation.

Fees for Planning Pre-Application discussion service

Name Standard fee
Average Category Proposal $440
Complex Category Proposal $780
Regional / City Significant Category Proposal $1,400