Sandown Racecourse aerial

Planning Scheme Amendment C229gdan

The Amendment applies to the Sandown Racecourse, 591-659 Princes Highway, Springvale.

Melbourne Racing Club (MRC) has prepared draft Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme Amendment C229gdan.

The proposal seeks to enable the redevelopment of the land for predominantly residential use, including approximately 7,500 homes, supported by community facilities, open space and commercial and retail uses.

The Minister for Planning is the planning authority exhibiting the Amendment.

The Minister for Planning has decided to progress the draft planning scheme amendment to facilitate the proposal through a process led by the state government.

The Minister for Planning has established the Sandown Racecourse Advisory Committee to provide advice about the proposal, and to consider any public submissions made, before the Minister decides whether to approve a planning scheme amendment.

What is the role of Council in this process?

Council is a key stakeholder and will participate in the Committee process.

However, Council is not leading the draft planning scheme amendment process.

Information about the Amendment

The public consultation period closed on Monday 24 June 2024.

Information about the Amendment and the next steps can be viewed online at:

This website is the primary source of information about the proposal, the Committee, key dates, and contact details for any further questions.

Translation and interpretation assistance

An information sheet is available in Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Khmer and Punjabi at

If you need help with translating and interpreting, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 (within Australia) or visit

Contact information

If you have questions about the committee process, contact Planning Panels Victoria on (03) 8624 5715 or email

For all other questions, please contact the State Planning Services Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 or email