Totem Poles

Totem Poles

Artists: Robert Tickner and the Knox Placemakers
Completed: 1996

Located in a small inviting open space within central Dandenong, are six towering ceramic totem poles of varying colours, designs and heights.

Wind your way around and feel the textures of these amazing freestanding artworks. Look closely and you will see the Koori pole, Youth pole, Peace and Hope pole, Vietnamese pole, Music and Dance pole and the Four Elements pole.

The Totem poles were created through a collaborative process involving local people of a variety of backgrounds, ages and interests. Their placement aids in identifying the location of the Dandenong Community Arts Centre and Walker St Gallery.

The Totem poles were created under the direction of Robert Tickner and the Knox Placemakers.

The Totem Poles contain imagery collected, interpreted and created by the people within the City of Greater Dandenong. Each totem pole was the unique result of ideas developed by those involved in the creation of the art work. They were:

  • Dandenong and District Aborigines Cooperative
  • St John's Regional College
  • Cooinda Adult Day Activity Centre
  • Cleeland Secondary College

The poles represent the expression of the diverse backgrounds, ages and nationalities that make up the community, as well as peace, good luck, hope, music and dance.

These show the variety of interests, concerns and beliefs which enrich the colour and expression of life in the local community.


Corner Mason and Robinson Streets, Dandenong

Robinson Street 31, 3175 Dandenong AU, Australia