Project Overview
The Railway Parade Neighbourhood Shopping Centre, 228-274 Railway Parade, Noble Park is located at the western end of Railway Parade, at the intersection with Chandler Road.
The Neighbourhood Shopping Centre Planning Framework (PDA Hill, 2016) identifies the centre as a large local shopping node. The shopping centre houses 21 shop fronts consisting of a variety of retail services and food premises and performs well as a neighbourhood shopping centre.
There are 33 angled car parks on the shopfront side of the centre as well as a service lane to the rear of the shops accessed from both Chandler Road and Railway Parade.
A further 23 parallel car parks exist on the VicTrack owned land on the opposite (southern) side of Railway Parade. A new Yarraman Station carpark for commuters with 59 spaces is being constructed under the railway line overpass in 2022. This new carpark will be accessed from Hanna Street, but will have pedestrian paths connecting to the Railway Parade Shopping Centre.
Council has identified that the existing shopping centre footpath is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. The existing streetscape is also tired in appearance, with limited trees, landscaping and street furniture, such as seats. Overall, the shopping centre requires an upgrade to modernise and improve its amenity.
The project’s outcomes include:
- Upgrading the shopping centre to assist in supporting the local businesses and economy.
- Improving the amenity of the shopping centre to assist in encouraging residents, visitors and commuters to spend time and money in the centre.
- Building on the centre’s sense of community spirit and pride in its local businesses.
- Improving comfort levels for people using the shopping centre.
- Supporting opportunities for increased greening and tree canopy coverage to increase the provision of shade and colour into the centre.
- Contributing to positive perceptions of the shopping centre.
How will this project be funded?
The final concept plan for this streetscape upgrade project has been prepared in response to the feedback received from the community and stakeholders during March and April 2022.
Council has funding in 2022-23 to undertake the Stage One streetscape upgrade works.
Stage 1 will focus on the streetscape improvements to the main shopping centre area on the northern side of Railway Parade and the relocation of the existing bus shelter.
An integrated public art component may be incorporated as a future stage of the streetscape improvements and as a placemaking opportunity for the shopping centre. It would be delivered under a separate design and community engagement process and funding application.
The second stage will be subject to VicTrack’s approval and further funding being secured. This would deliver the car park and landscape improvements on the southern side of Railway Parade. A future public toilet would be a separately funded future project and subject to VicTrack’s approval.
View the Railway Parade Final Concept Plan - 3MB
Who can I contact to discuss this project further?
General enquiries: Email: council@cgd.vic.gov.au
City of Greater Dandenong contact:
Jane Brodie, Coordinator Open Space Planning and Sustainability
Telephone: 8571 1433