Graffiti on a wall


Graffiti is writing, drawing, marking, scratching or otherwise defacing property by any means without consent. The materials commonly used for graffiti are spray cans, felt-tipped pens and sharp instruments.


You can reduce the likelihood of graffiti on your property by using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles:

  • using appropriate garden planting, such as vines or spiky plants
  • using darker-coloured materials for fences
  • using an anti-graffiti coating in high-risk areas
  • maintaining your property in good order - a poorly maintained property attracts graffiti
  • removing any graffiti that occurs as soon as possible
  • reporting graffiti in process to Victoria Police by calling 000


Free graffiti removal kits are available to residents and businesses from one of our customer service centres.

To report any graffiti in public spaces for rapid removal, complete a report an issue form or contact Council.


As part of Council’s Graffiti Management Plan, Council engages the community through a range of proactive projects, including the annual Community Clean-Up Day.

In 2019, the Clean-Up Day was held in Keysborough. The event encouraged residents to be active in their local community, report instances of graffiti vandalism and provided demonstrations on safe options to remove graffiti from their property.

Recently, Council received funding from the Department of Justice and Community Safety for the development of a graffiti prevention animation in consultation with young people.



