Enterprise Dandenong

Revitalisation and Placemaking

Greater Dandenong’s Activity Centres and other strategic precincts across the municipality are ready for development and have undergone extensive planning processes with a comprehensive development plan in place for central Dandenong and structure plans for both the Springvale and Noble Park Activity Centres.  


Revitalisation focuses on facilitating investment, renewal and economic growth to expand social prosperity in partnership with federal, state, local and community agencies. This includes achieving a mix of services and facilities with long term viability to meet the needs of the wider community and attract people from outside the municipality to live, shop, dine, recreate and access services.

Plan Melbourne identifies Dandenong as a major activity centre and the civic and administrative centre in the region. Supported by Dandenong South National Employment and Innovation Clusters (NEIC) and State Significant Industrial Precinct (SSIP) the area continues in its leading role in Melbourne’s South East.

Noble Park was identified in 2021 as a priority revitalisation site to leverage recent growth and capitalise on the new infrastructure to unlock Noble Park’s full potential and attract additional investment to speed up social and economic recovery.


The City of Greater Dandenong is committed to creating great places for its people through placemaking.

Placemaking is the collaborative process of creating people-focussed places for communities, places that people understand, participate in and feel ownership of.

Council has created a Placemaking Framework that will ensure of our city’s three key activity centres, Dandenong, Noble Park and Springvale retain their unique individual character and continue to develop as places that are socially and economically sustainability.

A placemaking program including interpretive signs and temporary public art is delivering a diverse range of highly visible public realm improvements in activity centres supports revitalisation efforts.

The projects are an initiative of the City of Greater Dandenong with past and current partners including Dandenong Development Board, Development Victoria, Department of Transport, Metro Trains, Arts Victoria and the Office for Suburban Development.

Placemaking Measures

A series of strategic placemaking measures were collected, shared and reported to ensure there are baseline measures in place that monitor changes and track trends to inform place making policy/strategy. This data is collected and analysed using two, three and five year cycles.  The measures commenced in 2015 and overtime have resulted in a longitudinal study about our place and people.

The popular white Harmony Square letters are looking for a new colourful appearance that celebrates the local area.
Dandenong is the heart of Melbourne’s growing south east corridor. The State Government’s $290 million Revitalising Central
The $2 million Revitalising Noble Park initiative is a vital project, rejuvenating the centre.
Springvale is just 29km from Melbourne’s central business district, with easy access to three major transport arterials including