Due to extreme weather events in Greater Dandenong on 6 November 2021, Council’s Chief Executive Officer has suspended all timeframes and response times in the Greater Dandenong Road Management Plan 2018-22 (RMP) for the period 6 – 29 November 2021. After this time the RMP will resume unless a further extension is authorised.
The City of Greater Dandenong Road Management Plan 2018-22 was adopted and endorsed by Council and is effective as of 29 August 2018. The purpose of the Road Management Plan is to establish procedures and systems for the management of public roads.
Council is a road authority under the Road Management Act 2004. As such, it is responsible for carrying out the management functions on local roads within the City of Greater Dandenong. This excludes the management of VicRoads arterial roads and freeways, as well as private roads such as EastLink.
Under the Act, a road authority shall carry out its road management functions based on policy and operational objectives. The Act requires Council to set appropriate standards for the discharge of its road management duties based on available resources. It also requires Council to monitor its performance in delivering these functions.
The Road Management Plan sets out the policies, objectives and relevant standards in relation to the road management duties of the City of Greater Dandenong. The plan also includes details of the management system that Council intends to implement to inspect; maintain and repair public roads and ancillary areas for which it is the coordinating road authority or the responsible road authority.
The plan also specifies priorities adopted by Council after due consideration of available resources. It also includes any matters that a relevant Code of Practice specifies that should be included in a road management plan.
The Road Register provides a register of public roads of which Council is the coordinating road authority.