Hands all in the middle

Community Services

The City of Greater Dandenong has a thriving and vibrant multicultural community. 

Council provides a range of services for all members of our community. It provides volunteer opportunities that support some of our community's most vulnerable people. 

Find out how to get involved in our diverse community and how Council can support you.



Directories and Guides

Greater Dandenong has support services to help residents. This includes services for vulnerable people facing social and health-related issues. Refer to the following directories and services for more details.

Department of Health and Human Services Victoria 
Lists a range of services and service providers.

Monash Health Community Services 
Offers a range of health and wellbeing services.

South East Region Refugee and Asylum Seeker Service Directory 
Provides information about agencies, groups and activities available for refugees and people seeking asylum. Covers a range of topics ranging from housing, community support, sports and recreation, language skills and health services.

Victorian Government 
Health and social support information. Includes disability, aged care, concessions, alcohol and drugs and family violence.

Victorian Multicultural Commission Community Directory 
An online guide to local community associations and organisations in Victoria.

Advisory Committees

Advisory committees

Advisory committees advise Council about strategic or policy issues. They also enhance communication between Council and the community. They complement other parts of community engagement.

Council uses advisory committees when looking for expert advice to help make decisions. They can also be an effective way to involve stakeholders in Council’s planning and policy functions. These committees provide potential to test engagement techniques to improve community engagement outcomes for an issue.

Advisory committees provide an opportunity to maximise the skills and expertise that exist in the community. This complements the role of Council in planning and policy-making.

Residents do not form part of an advisory committee. However, residents can get involved in working through an issue in many other ways.

Current advisory committees

Community reference groups

Community reference groups advise Council about specific issues or topics. They also enhance communication between Council and the community. They complement other parts of community engagement.

Community reference groups can be an effective way to involve stakeholders in specific projects or activities. They are an opportunity to maximise the skills and expertise that exist in the community. This complements the role of Council in service delivery.

Advisory committees provide are a way to test community engagement techniques to improve consultation outcomes for an issue.

Reference Group membership occurs through a public notice calling for expressions of interest. 

Current community reference groups

Council currently has no active community reference groups.

Everyone has the right to feel and be safe, whether at home, at work or in education, visiting or enjoying the many things our
Find out about the in-home care services Council provides for older residents and people living with a disability.
Come join our wonderful team of volunteers who are making a positive difference in Greater Dandenong.
Learn how Council is supporting diversity in our community.
We are a City that celebrates its diversity and encourages and supports people of all ages to live, work and play.