Council is upgrading Springvale Reserve.
Council is looking for feedback on both the Springvale Reserve Master Plan and the Playground design.
Find out more and have your say on the Springvale Reserve Master Plan
Find out more and have your say on the Springvale Reserve Playground
Project overview
Springvale Reserve is located on Newcomen Road, Springvale. It is approximately 0.4ha (40,283sqm).
The reserve is strategically important as:
- It is within close proximity to the Springvale Activity Centre (200m) and train station (600m).
- It is a district level sporting facility.
- It is the largest open space to the north-west of Springvale Road.
- There is limited open space in the north-west residential area of Springvale.
Springvale Reserve is within a higher open space needs area and is an important open space. It will play an important future role as Springvale’s population increases. Springvale Reserve has a range of existing park facilities, of which most are focused on the sports uses. The reserve has a sports oval, the multi-purpose Springvale Reserve Pavilion, practice cricket nets, spectator shelters, public toilets and a fenced dog off leash area. The multi-purpose Springvale Reserve Pavilion is a significant community asset, with capacity for 200 people and is equipped with a commercial kitchen.
The pavilion and sports ground are considered as Community Premium facilities. The summer club is the Springvale Cricket Club, and the winter club is the Springvale Districts Football and Netball Club. The cricket club are in the Dandenong and Districts Cricket Association and the football/netball club are in the Southern Football and Netball League.
Some of the key issues that the draft master plan aims to address are:
- Netball club – no courts for practice and matches.
- Pavilion requires further upgrades.
- Limited informal recreational activities and path connections.
- There is no local playground (Playground Strategy recommends a local level at this site).
- Large areas of underutilised open space and limited tree canopy coverage.
- Spectator viewing areas are disjointed and not comfortable environments.
- The park is fully fenced due to the ground being a paid sporting venue for some matches.
Springvale Reserve Draft Master Plan
A draft master plan for Springvale Reserve has been developed to illustrate the opportunities for the reserve and to ensure that the functional layout requirements for the large footprint facilities being proposed ‘work’ on the ground.
The vision for Springvale Reserve is that it shall become a high-quality sporting and recreation park that diversifies the opportunities for the local community to recreate and socialise.
The objective is to ensure that there is a balance between new recreational and park opportunities and implementing the strategic goals of council’s open space, playground and sports and recreational planning strategies.
The opportunities include:
- Planning for the growth of the football, netball, and cricket clubs with infrastructure upgrades.
- Upgrades to the Social Pavilion including the canteen, umpires’ room, first aid and meeting room to ensure female friendly facilities.
- Provision of 2 netball courts for training and competition with lighting and infrastructure.
- Upgrade of the sports oval lighting to 100lux.
- Rationalising the carparking to improve the availability of the park for open space.
- Diversifying and improving the park’s informal recreational activities – new local playground, dog off leash park improvements, walking paths, fitness equipment zone and picnic areas.
- Perimeter walking path around oval and path connections.
- Improved pedestrian path connection between Newcomen Road and Harris Street.
- Greening the park - increasing the tree canopy coverage across the reserve.
The building improvement opportunities include:
- Springvale Sports Pavilion upgrade, including umpires and first aid upgrades including female friendly facilities.
- Infrastructure upgrades – flood lighting, scoreboard, umpire’s tower and shelters.
- Spectator Shelters 1 and 2 – viewing area improvements.
How will the Master Plan be funded?
State Government grant funded projects
Council was successful in receiving $2 million in grant funding as part of the 2022 State Election for various capital projects at Springvale Reserve to be delivered in 2023-24 financial year. The projects described in the below table are major initiatives for the reserve. The grant projects are:
Springvale Reserve – Lighting Renewal Construction
Springvale Reserve – Renewal of Coaches Boxes
Springvale Reserve - Renewal of Canteen and Kitchen
Springvale Reserve – Renewal of Social Male, Female & Accessible Toilets
Springvale Reserve – Social Room renewal
Springvale Reserve – Construction of two netball courts with lighting
Springvale Reserve – Construction of a new local-level playground (currently no playground, but identified for a playground in the Playground Strategy)
Master Plan funding
The community consultation feedback will inform the development of the final master plan and an implementation plan.
The staging and implementation plan for Springvale Reserve will be guided by the budgetary framework for district level parks and will identify short, medium- and long-term projects. The staging of future capital works improvements for this reserve will represent a significant commitment by Council over the long term.
The Implementation Plan provides the guidance on both the design and construction sequence that would need to be undertaken to implement the master plan over a ten year plus time frame.
The implementation strategy outlines indicative costs to guide the capital infrastructure project works. The funding to implement the projects is subject to the support and funding of capital works bids as part of Council’s annual budget process.
The building projects in the draft master plan would be funded out of the Building Facility renewal program steered and directed by the Sports Facility Plan and Asset Renewal Program.