person at messy desk

Starting Your Business - Handy Resources

Looking to start a business?

Before you start, it’s important to have all the information and facts about starting a business. You should consider things like:

  • What research you should do before starting
  • Putting together a business plan
  • Marketing and promotion to build up your customer base
  • Finances and budgeting – how much will you need

Resources to help you start your business

Business Victoria

Business Victoria has all the information you need to start a business. There are step-by-step guides, templates and workshops to help you get started.

Market research

Market research can help you understand if an area is the right place for you to open your business. Data and statistics can help you make an informed decision.

Greater Dandenong Economic and Community Profile - REMPLAN

Business Mentoring

Still not sure about some things? Why not book in a session with a business mentor, who can discuss your idea and guide you through the process. Book your free mentoring session

Starting a food business

There are many requirements required when starting a food business. These requirements also apply to an existing food business that you may wish to purchase.
It is important to understand food safety standards and requirements for a business. Read more information

Ready to start and want to know what Council permits you may need?

Before you start operating, your business may need one or more permits from Council. 
Permits types include

  • Planning
  • Building
  • Health (Food, beauty, accommodation) 
  • Local Laws (Domestic animal business, Footpath Trading)

Complete this self-assessment guide to find out what you may need.
Business Permit Check List

Learn how Council can help you


Business Permit Check List

Our Business Team is your point of contact within Council. The team will help you through the permit application process from the beginning.

There are several ways we can help you. The best way to start is by completing the pre-application check list below. This information will help us to understand your business idea and how we can best help you.

Complete this self-assessment guide to find out what you may need.
Business Permit Check List

If you need help filling in the pre-application checklist, please email or telephone 8571 1550.

What happens next?

Once you fill in the pre-application and submit it, you will receive an email from us to let you know we have received the form.

A member from the Business team will contact you within three business days to introduce themselves as your point of contact for this process. They will discuss your business plan further to ensure we have all the required information to guide you.

If a proposal seems complex, the business officer may invite you to an initial meeting with Council officers to discuss your proposal further.

Please contact the business team if you have any queries. Email or telephone 8571 1550.


Ready to apply


Application fees

You will receive invoice/s listing any fees you will need to pay before we can start processing your application via email. These can be paid online by following the instructions with the invoice.

How much does it cost to apply for a Planning Permit?

The fee for your planning application depends on what you want to do and which fee class it fits into. Read more information

How long does it take to obtain a permit?

Obtaining permits can range from two weeks to six months depending on the permit type. It is best to discuss your requirements with the Business Team, who can provide you with approximate timeframes.