Find out how you can get involved in community environmental groups and programs and learn how you can start making a difference.
Council has a range of programs targeted at improving the sustainability of our community. To visit the program pages, access them from the bottom of this page.
Get involved
Grants Program
The Community Grants Program provides opportunities for Council to work in partnership with the community for the benefit of Greater Dandenong. The Climate Change Action Grants specifically support projects that deliver climate related or other positive environmental outcomes and assist Council in their its commitment to tackling climate change. Details on the Climate Action Grants can be found on the Medium Grants Program web page.
Greater Dandenong Community Sustainability Advisory Committee
The Greater Dandenong Sustainability Advisory Committee was established to assist Council in the implementation of the Greater Dandenong Sustainability Strategy 2016-30.
Current community and “Friends of” groups
Community and “friends of” groups are a great way to meet new people while learning about the local environment. Friends groups are usually a group of people with a common interest in a particular park or reserve, that contribute to the parks management and maintenance. Activities can include tree planting, weed control, fauna surveys and water watch activities and monitoring. By joining a “Friends of” group you can assist in the management of significant natural reserves within the City of Greater Dandenong. You can find a list of groups below.
Useful websites
There are lots of environment websites that discuss topics like energy and global warming, water, waste, transport and air quality, and native plants and animals. You can find a good starting list below.