As a large consumer of water, the City of Greater Dandenong realises that it has a dual role to play in the community. It needs to reduce its own potable water consumption so it sets a credible example to the local community, and it needs to actively promote the methods by which water can be conserved or safely re-used.
Towards a Water Smart City – Councils’ Sustainable Water Use Plan 2008 sets the strategic approach that Council will take to reduce the amount of potable water used within its own facilities and operations.
The target is for an overall reduction of 25 per cent by 2018 from the 2004-05 – 2005-06 baseline average. This 25 per cent reduction equates to a net reduction in water use of 66 mega litres per annum. The reduction targets are focused on Council assets including playing fields, open space, garden beds and other facilities.
The reduction will be achieved through the implementation of the comprehensive 60 point action plan contained within the report. Measures outlined in the plan will also lead to long term efficiency gains and financial savings.
Towards a Water Smart City is formulated on the basic water conservation principles; avoid, reduce and reuse and the achievement of the following objectives:
- Improve monitoring and data management relating to Council’s use of water.
- Broaden accountability and ownership for water conservation and efficiency actions across Council.
- Respond to sound data, water audit outcomes and conservation strategies to facilitate improved costing and prioritisation, via an adaptive management process.
- Reduce water consumption through sustainable behaviour change.
- Facilitate a cultural change in the way water is managed through integrating water conservation actions into council systems and processes.
- Increase rainwater harvesting, grey water reuse and recycled water use to replace drinking water where appropriate.
- Prepare for an uncertain future in the face of increasing water prices.