Australia Day 2017

Festivals Permit

To hold a festival or procession within the City of Greater Dandenong, different permits or Council consent are required depending on the type of event.

As well as a local law permit for the festival, you may also require permits for road closures, street trading and temporary food businesses. See the Holding an Event in Greater Dandenong section of this website for information on what you have to do to hold an event in the City of Greater Dandenong.

Applying for an Event Permit

To apply for an Event permit to hold a festival or procession complete an application for the event.

Apply here

Fees apply.

Public Space Event Approvals Fee

Name Standard fee
Public Space Event Approvals (31 - 200 people attending) per event $171.50
Public Space Event Approvals (201 - 500 people attending) per event $456
Public Space Event Approvals (more than 500 people attending) per event $1,145
Public Space Event Approval Refundable Security Deposit (per event) $530

Sitting Approval (Temporary Structure) – Class 9b Fees

Name Standard fee Description
Marquee/pre-fab buildings > 100m2 $450.00

Add $195 per additional structure

Seating stands > 20 persons and stages > 150m2 $450.00

Add $195 per additional structure

Fireworks Display Permit

To have a fireworks display in a public place a permit needs to be obtained from Council. 

There are a number of items which need to be attached to this application including but not limiting:

* Work safe forms

* News paper advertisement

* Letterbox drop notification 

Fireworks Application

Name Standard fee
Fireworks Display Permit $178