
Tree Removal and Pruning on Private Land

At its Council Meeting held on 11 December 2023, Greater Dandenong City Council endorsed the Tree Protection on Private Land Local Law 2023. In accordance with section 74(4) of the Local Government Act 2020, the objectives of this Local Law are to:

1.    prohibit, regulate and control activities that could be a risk or endanger protected trees in the Municipal District;
2.    apply controls which will complement other controls being applied by the Council to maintain and protect trees in the Municipal District; and
3.    provide for the uniform and fair administration of this Local Law.

This Local Law will ensure that the urban forest is healthy, safe, provides amenity, increases liveability for the Greater Dandenong community, provides habitat for biodiversity and mitigates the impact of, and provides adaptive benefits in response to, climate change.

Download the Tree Protection Local Law - 234KB

Read the Tree Protection on Private Property Policy

All residents will require a permit to remove any tree with a diameter of 40cm or larger as measured 1.4 metres from the ground. 

What do I need to do before submitting a permit application:

1. An assessment undertaken of the tree by a qualified independent arborist.

  • The arborist will provide you with a report to include with your permit application.

This report should include:

  • Arborists name, company name (where applicable), contact phone number and business address
  • The client’s (the applicant’s) name and address
  • Site address.
  • Date of site inspection and report preparation
  • Species of tree, diameter (measured at 1.4m from ground level), height
  • Current health and structural condition of the tree
  • Retention value and recommendations

The report is required to clearly demonstrate the need to remove the tree(s)

2. Owner consent

If you are not the owner of the property you will also need consent for us to process your application. 

Is a permit required for pruning?

A permit is not required for pruning, so long as the following conditions are met:

  • the pruning is carried out by a qualified arborist in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4373–2007 Pruning of amenity trees and the Arborist has provided their qualifications
  • the property owner has kept photographs of trees before and after the work
  • in an emergency, where any part of a tree is an immediate hazard to life and or property, as determined by a minimum AQF Level 5 Arborist.

How to apply

If you would like to apply to remove a tree on private property you will need to use the below form.

The cost is $113 per tree. This fee will be waived for all applications prior to 1 July 2024. 

Apply for a Tree Removal on Private Land Permit


Removal of a Tree on Private Property

Name Standard fee Description
Permit Fee $113

This fee will be waived for all applications prior to 1 July 2024. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need a permit?

Protected trees in Greater Dandenong are protected under the General Local Law and the Planning Scheme.

If a planning permit is required for the removal of the tree. The tree will be considered under the Planning Scheme and a Tree Protection on Private Land Permit is not required.

Council offers general phone advice to help you work out if you need a permit. Phone the Planning Enquiries Service on 8571 1000. This service is free.

If a planning permit is not required or does not cover the removal of a protected tree (when the tree diameter is 40cm or larger measured 1.4m from the ground) a Tree Protection on Private Land Permit is required.

Will the Tree Protection Permit come with conditions?

Yes, in most cases your permit will be issued with conditions.

These conditions may include the type and extent of works, any required notifications and permit expiration date.

What happens if a protected tree is pruned or removed without a permit?

Any removal of protected trees without a permit will lead to infringements and/or prosecution.

What happens if I’m unhappy with the outcome of my application?

If your application was not approved and you’re not happy with the result, you can appeal the outcome with Council. You will need to provide supporting evidence.

Sometimes this may also involve a process review by a senior officer to ensure your application was assessed fairly.

Instructions on how to appeal can be found in your application outcome letter.

Who can I contact to enforce the Local Law?

Council’s authorised officers educate the community about the various state and local laws administered by Council and promote compliance with them, so our city continues to be a pleasant place to live, work and visit.

You can contact lodge a request with Council’s Customer Service Team on 8571 1000 or via email at

Why do I need a permit?

Greater Dandenong’s trees make an important contribution to our local amenity, sense of place, neighbourhood character, landscape values and cultural heritage. Trees are important as they provide shade, wind protection and relief from the urban heat island effect.

In some locations, our trees also contribute to native canopies on private properties to ensure that the leafy character of the municipality and the amenity provided by trees is enhanced for the enjoyment of the present and future community.

Community consultation was done in 2023 with significant support to protect out trees. The Local Law was approved in late 2023. 

What happens if I already have a planning application and a tree is identified?

If you have previously submitted a planning permit and a protected tree has been identified Council’s Planning Team will provide advice and a copy of the Tree Protection of Private Land Permit Application if required.