The City of Greater Dandenong has developed a Waste and Litter Strategy as part of its commitment to provide sustainable waste management services to the community and create a clean city to be proud of.
This five-year operational strategy guides Council’s approach towards the collection, recovery and disposal of waste generated by the community and the prevention of litter.
Why do we need a Waste and Litter Strategy?
In 2013-14, City of Greater Dandenong residents generated a total of 57,746 tonnes of household waste; comprising 11,758 tonnes of recycling, 13,439 tonnes of garden waste and 31,174 tonnes of garbage. In addition, a total of 3,369 tonnes of hard waste was collected from households through the at-call hard waste collection service.
The prevention and management of illegal rubbish dumping remains an ongoing challenge for the City of Greater Dandenong. In 2013-14 Council collected over 472 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish and anticipates spending approximately $3.2 million on litter management, dumped rubbish and street cleansing services in 2015-16.
Greater Dandenong Council is conscious of the environmental impacts faced in regard to landfill management, resource consumption and climate change, and seeks to identify sustainable solutions for the management of waste and litter generated by the community. The provision of affordable services that meet the needs of the community as well as litter prevention and management are key considerations in the planning and delivery of waste management services by Council.
About the strategy
This strategy sets out Council’s waste and litter management vision and goals for the next five years and provides supporting action plans that will guide Council in its mission to achieve these goals. Within this strategy Council’s key goals have been categorised into five key themes, each of which is underpinned by a set of priorities identified as necessary to help Council achieve their goal.
- Waste minimisation - reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
- Waste management - deliver sustainable waste services to the community.
- Waste education - increase community awareness of resource recovery and waste minimisation.
- Litter prevention and management - create clean and litter free public places.
- Closing the Loop on recycling - increase the amount of material that is recovered for re-use and recycling.
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