Project Overview
The Ross Reserve Sports Pavilion will be constructed with a multi-purpose function at its core. The premium community standard facility will enable the service of multiple sporting grounds in the reserve as well as a variety of groups and activities within the pavilion.
The thoughtful design of the pavilion and its various spaces will provide flexible options that can easily respond to the changing needs of the community and groups and services which will utilise the rooms.
In addition to the Building Code (NCC 2019) and the DDA requirements, the facility is to meet Council standards and policies as well as appropriate AFL Victoria, Cricket Victoria and Football Victoria facility standards.
The construction of the pavilion includes generous funding support from the State Government of $750,000.
Project Completed April 2023.
- The finished project will provide a modern female and junior friendly facility which meets current sporting code and DDA requirements
- Shared Pedestrian Path (Jogging/Tan Track)
Timelines and next steps
Project completed April 2023.