Greater Dandenong Council respects all members of the community and actively builds relationships to strengthen our shared desire for a better future.
We strive for excellence in customer service, and continually challenge everything we do as we seek to improve our services.
We act with integrity, professionalism and honesty to ensure everyone can rely on what we say and do.
There are a range of ways to get in contact with us. What can we help you with today?
Greater Dandenong is a great place to live, work and invest, with great people for neighbours, colleagues and friends.
Learn more about the Council Plan and share your ideas for our community's future.
Greater Dandenong has 11 Councillors whose role is to represent the interests of residents and ratepayers.
Read more information about Council's past projects.
In this section of the website you will find information about how we act and serve the community.
Read about Council's advocacy campaigns and the areas of key focus.
Council is required by law to comply with the Victorian Child Safe Standards.