Dandenong Civic Centre building

A Child Safe Organisation

Council is required by law to comply with the Victorian Child Safe Standards. The Standards exist to prevent child abuse and harm from happening in organisations that provide services or facilities for children.

The Standards aim to:

  • Promote the safety of children
  • Prevent child abuse
  • Ensure organisations and businesses have effective processes in place to respond to and report all allegations of child abuse.

In this section of the website, you will find information about how we implement the Child Safe Standards. 

Look at available resources for children, carers and organisations.
The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy is designed to assist Council to prevent and respond to any alleged child abuse.
Children, young people, and their families are respected and valued.
This statement outlines the City of Greater Dandenong commitment to the protection of children.
Read about how to report a child safe concern.