Council’s vision is that young people and families are valued, celebrated, and supported to reach their full potential.
The Youth and Family Strategy 2021-26 provides guidance to Council in achieving this vision, by working with young people, families, and the community to enhance their participation across all aspects of life, so young people and families can prosper and thrive.
Development and Consultation
- The development of this strategy has been informed by an extensive evidence base developed by Council, including:
- Consultation with young people and families, as well as local service providers and relevant Council departments
- A review of relevant policy frameworks at a local, state, and federal level
- Benchmarking activities; and
- A comprehensive review of the previous Youth Strategy Action Plan 2015-2019.
Council invited stakeholders and interested residents to provide feedback on the draft Youth and Family Strategy prior to its adoption by Council in October 2021.
All submitted comments and feedback received from the public, affirmed the priorities and actions that form the Youth and Family Strategy 2021-26 ‘Young People and Families: Engaged, Active, Connected’.